2014年11月20日 星期四

Blackstone 黑石資產管理公司

透過Finviz 可以設定好你所要的條件(基本面+技術分析),選擇好的資產以及好的企

Black stone這家企業讓我印象深刻的是其中一項『退伍軍人計畫』。

透過影片了解這間企業的文化  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UmE8MtnFjE 

Veterans embody many of the skills, talents and personal attributes we look for in employees. They have high integrity; they are collaborative, hardworking and they are able to adapt to dynamic situations.
Veterans are reliable, motivated and trustworthy employees – the type of people that will help Blackstone’s portfolio companies succeed and grow. We are proud to partner with the President and Mrs. Obama, Vice President and Dr. Biden to do our part to help the men and women who have served our country develop successful careers following their military service.

基本面財務報表很漂亮。員工目前有2010人,營收1.65B,以及又5.5% 的配股配息。





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